News Agency:News
Iran's Ambassador Speech in Press Conference of OIC Ambassadors
During the press conference of the ambassadors of the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Brussels, the Iranian ambassador criticized the European Union's stance regarding Israel's attacks on Gaza.
He stated that in the past 37 days, we have witnessed the application of double standards by the European Union, the United States, and many European countries. Despite global outcry and demands for a ceasefire from people in the streets, from the US to Europe to Australia, Western decision-makers unfortunately do not heed the people's wishes. While strongly criticizing the US's positions concerning Israel's actions in Gaza, he pointed out that the United States has displayed bias to such an extent that even some of its regional allies do not view it as qualified for mediation. Dehghani emphasized that the European Union consistently portrays itself as a defender of human rights, yet it remains silent about the Palestinian casualties and, by not condemning Israel's actions, effectively supports the regime's crimes against the Palestinian people. He called on the European Union to change its position and take practical measures to halt Israel's attacks. Dehghani also referred to the recent statement by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemning Israel's attacks and stressed that despite the organization's clear stance, practical measures are required in the current crisis to compel the regime responsible for the bloodshed to cease its actions. He added that Israel will not cease its actions until it faces genuine international pressure and is held accountable for its crimes. In reference to the recent statement from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Iranian ambassador called for an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza and emphasized that member countries of the organization, along with other nations, should use available tools to exert pressure on Israel to halt its actions.
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